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Free Resources Developed from Countless Mistakes and Massive Successes Over 20 Years

What do the 20% of webinar winners know that the 80% of marketers don't?

Our  client webinars get 10% more registrants to attend and they stay on for an average of 28 minutes. No wonder many marketers say webinars are the top digital marketing strategy. 

Advance Your Career by Avoiding the Common Webinar Pitfalls

Drive More Leads and Sales with the Must-See Webinar System -- Insights Below

Get started quickly

How to Create and Run a Winning Webinar Series - eGuide

A successful marketing webinar series can educate your best prospects on your company’s uniqueness, create a competitive advantage, dramatically increase your lead flow, and drive sales.

Sadly, most webinar producers who try to create a series for the first time make common mistakes, and the series fails to reach its objectives.

This classic eGuide from 2010 will help you get things right with your virtual series every time and make sure your webinar series is a continued success.

Instant eGuide Access Here!


How Any Marketer, Team, or Business Owner Can Multiply Qualified Leads Online with the Power of the Must-See Webinar System - On Demand Video

This "TED Talk" style presentation reveals the origin story behind the Must-See System, the Four-Part Must-See Framework anyone can follow, the 7 Reasons Why We Love Webinars and You Should Too, and how to as much as double sales conversion from each and every webinar with a Value Stack.

On Demand Webinar Here


Business man pointing to transparent board with text Free Webinar
Simple and easy to use


Rock the Event Invite for up to 300% More Attendees

Did you know that potential event attendees, your potential buyers and decision makers, see as many as 3,000 competing ads a day?

A targeted event marketing plan will increase registrations, but many think any old event invitation will do the job. Not true!

Did you know that one invitation headline can out-pull another by 38% or more? Or, that a simple change in three sentences buried in the middle of your invitation will lift response by 15%?

Get Proven Ideas Now in a New Article

Must-See Webinar Services Include

Full-Stack Marketing and Webinar Support to Increase Sales 38% to 300%, Guaranteed! 

  • Live Webinar Production 

    Avoid the common pitfalls that sabotages most events. Live webinars, virtual-live events, on demand videos, and virtual conferences in any stage of the customer journey. 

  • Compelling Emails

    Convert registrants to revenue and multiply attendees with a proven email sequence. Invites, reminders, and follow-up designed to get the attention of your best prospects.

  • Must-See Webinar Strategies

    Turn your next event into a webinar series which helps you own your niche. We've made all the mistakes over 2,000 events so we are always improving your results and taking your program to the next level. 

  • Effective Video Editing

    Whether it is a new webinar, on demand webinar, or marketing video, increase the impact of all your content in today's Netflix economy. Pre-recording presentations with Live Q&A yields flawless webinars.

  • Seamless Tech Integration

    Avoid follow-up failure with a tech stack which supports your event strategy. Gain competitive advantage and ROI as 70% of leads don't get proper follow-up, Not You! We'll track results at each key step.

  • Copy Attracts Prospects 

    There is no such thing as a free lunch in webinars, but there is free money. Get up to 500% more attendees and viewers with marketing copy that attracts your best prospects like a magnet.

No-Obligation Phone Consultation

Start with an initial webinar or video and see results in 60 days or less before starting your Must-See Webinar Subscription. Schedule a call to see if we'll take on your program and turn you into a marketing All-Star.